We offer Yoga, Meditation, and Tai Chi classes from beginner to advanced.
We are online only until further notice. View the online schedule and email us with the class you would like to attend. You will need to download the free Zoom app. It works across all devices.
TriYoga, the art and science of yogaflow®, is the dynamic, meditative trinity of asana (posture), pranayama (breath) and mudra (subtle hand gesture).
Energy-inspired and systematically introduced, TriYoga unites breath and mind with flowing and sustained postures.

Students can remain with Basics (108 postures and 5 main series) or continue to Level 1 and subsequent levels. Within each level, students develop precise natural alignment, strength, flexibility, endurance and a longer, more rhythmic breath.
TriYoga has the inherent qualities of rhythmic pacing, relaxation-in-action, wavelike spinal movements and economy of motion.
When the movement of body, breath and mind harmonize, the inner flow of prana is experienced.
The practice optimizes the body~mind.